Don’t judge me
Because I choose the ground
Instead of a branch
Don’t judge me
Because I am so small
Yet my voice is so loud
Don’t judge me
Because I stand alone
I am not lonely
Don’t judge me
Because not all songs
I sing are sad…
The best pictures are the ones you know nothing about, they really capture a moment....they have a life of their own or when accompanied by words or a song
October 3rd, 2009 – Fort Belknap – Montana – Chief Joseph Pow Wow
This was in honor for the young boy on the right side, next to him is his grandfather. The boys parents are in the Service – his father is currently in Iraq and his mother is in Basic Training. The grandfather asked if anyone would make his grandson a bussel out of eagle feathers, he would give them a Registered Colt. The boy and grandfather lead the four Traditional Men Dancers around the floor. I took this after they completed their circle.
Wild Turkeys and the Cows
Sorry the is not sound so good - they were too far away for my camera to pick up their conversation they were having with each other.