Monday, July 5, 2021

The past years


I've been away for a bit.  No internet access for my computer.  But I did not stop wandering with my


A lot has happened in my time away.  

Been to quite a few places.

Learned to slow down more.

Lost loved ones and friends.

  Goin thru the years. Learning. Learning and learning.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

to make you feel better

I'll tuck away

in the shadows of my heart

that small glow

that's slow to dim
it beats with my heart

each day

but like the clouds

is not the same





call me names

hate me

if it makes you feel better
those I'll tuck those away
as well




they'll be with me

. . . . .when I leave this world